Browsing by Author Scholz, Mirko

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Annealing temperature-dependent induced supramolecular chiroptical response of copolymer thin films studied by pump-modulated transient circular dichroism spectroscopyGust, Domenic ; Scholz, Mirko ; Schumacher, Vivien ; Mulatier, Jean-Christophe ; Pitrat, Delphine ; Guy, Laure ; Oum, Kawon 
2019Influence of phenylethylammonium iodide as additive in the formamidinium tin iodide perovskite on interfacial characteristics and charge carrier dynamicsHorn, Jonas ; Scholz, Mirko ; Oum, Kawon ; Lenzer, Thomas ; Schlettwein, Derck 
2022Mapping the broadband circular dichroism of copolymer films with supramolecular chirality in time and spaceMorgenroth, Marius ; Scholz, Mirko ; Cho, Min Ju ; Choi, Dong Hoon ; Oum, Kawon