Auflistung nach AutorIn Dockweiler, Christoph

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2024Decision support systems for antibiotic prescription in hospitals: a survey with hospital managers on factors for implementationTokgöz, Pinar ; Krayter, Stephan ; Hafner, Jessica ; Dockweiler, Christoph 
2022Digital health interventions in depression care - a survey on acceptance from the perspective of patients, their relatives and health professionalsHafner, Jessica ; Schönfeld, Simone ; Tokgöz, Pinar ; Choroschun, Katharina ; Schlubach, Arndt ; Dockweiler, Christoph 
2022Hosting an online World Café to develop an understanding of digital health promoting settings from citizen's perspectiveAlbrecht, Joanna ; Stark, Anna Lea ; Dongas, Eleana ; Wrona, Kamil J. ; Dockweiler, Christoph