Browsing by Author Hartmann, Sarah

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Defective defence in Daphnia daughters: silver nanoparticles inhibit anti-predator defence in offspring but not in maternal Daphnia magnaWitte, Klaudia ; Hartmann, Sarah ; Beasley, Anna ; Mozhayeva, Darya ; Engelhard, Carsten 
2019Ecotoxicological impacts of wastewater-borne silver and titanium-dioxide nanoparticles on the behaviour, physiology and reproduction of Daphnia magna and Danio rerio larvaeHartmann, Sarah 
2018Zebrafish larvae show negative phototaxis to near-infrared lightHartmann, Sarah ; Kunze, Jan ; Vogt, Roland ; Rauschert, Anna ; Kuhnert, Klaus-Dieter ; Wanzenböck, Josef ; Lamatsch, Dunja K ; Witte, Klaudia