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Showing results 1298 to 1317 of 1876 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004QCD aspects of heavy to light currentsCampanario Pallás, Francisco 
2018QCD factorisation in exclusive semileptonic B decays : new applications and resummation of rapidity logarithmsBöer, Philipp 
2005Quantenmechanische Phasenoperatoren im Zusammenhang mit orthogonalen PolynomsystemenAppl, Thomas 
2021Quantification: the view from natural language generationCarstensen, Kai-Uwe 
2020Quantified integer programming with polyhedral and decision-dependent uncertaintyHartisch, Michael 
2006Quantitative Bewertung realer Investitionshandlungen im AuslandWiersdorf, Björn D. 
1998Quantum fluctuations in a segmented ionization chamber for beam monitoring of synchrotron radiationAhmed, Syed Naeem 
2012Quantum gates with trapped ions using magnetic gradient induced couplingKhromova, Anastasiya 
2019Quantum hypergraph states and the theory of multiparticle entanglementGachechiladze, Mariami 
2017Quantum states and their marginals : from multipartite entanglement to quantum error-correcting codesHuber, Felix Michael 
2012Die Queen wäre gut als Repräsentant der EU : Plädoyers für die symbolische Monarchie
2018Queer(ing) popular cultureZilles, Sebastian ; Stein, Daniel ; Fenske, Uta ; Krauß, Florian ; Nowotny, Joanna ; Weber, Rebecca ; Veith, Tim ; Stàskiewicz, Joanna ; Rauscher, Andreas ; Wolf, A. Benedikt 
2024Radar band fusion for improved range resolution using compressed sensingGuha, Sanhita 
2022Radar target classification via sparse decompositionWagner, Simon 
2016Radial basis function collocation methods for band structure computation of phononic crystalsZheng, Hui 
2022Radikale DemokratietheorieMeyer, Max 
2017Radio frequency characterization of superconductors for particle acceleratorsKleindienst, Raphael 
1987Rammekens, eine frühe Bastionärfestung in den Niederlanden (De Boni, ab 1547)Kiem, Karl 
2023Randomized measurements as a tool in quantum information processingImai, Satoya 
2023Rapid identification and classification of food-relevant spoilage microorganisms by Raman- and IR-microspectroscopyKlein, Daniel