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Results 21-30 of 80 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019Cooperation and differenceMohn, Bina Elisabeth ; Hare, Pip ; Vogelpohl, Astrid ; Wiesemann, Jutta 
22019Co-operation and/as participant observationHoldermann, Simon 
32018Digitalisation in small German metal-working companiesNett, Bernhard ; Bönsch, Jennifer 
42018Introduction to the thematic focus “Socio-Informatics”Müller, Claudia 
52018Travelling by taxi brousse in MadagascarWulf, Volker ; Misaki, Kaoru ; Randall, Dave ; Rohde, Markus 
62019Ethnomethodological media ethnographyEisenmann, Clemens ; Peter, Jan ; Wittbusch, Erik 
72017Formats as media of cooperationVolmar, Axel 
82023Hidden faces of hidden champions: communication strategies of niche market leadersSchmid, Simone ; Schmid, Alexander 
92017The concept of “pastiche” in Directive 2001/29/EC in the light of the German case Metall auf MetallDöhl, Frédéric 
102017Re-Use under US copyright lawKocatepe, Sibel 
Results 21-30 of 80 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).