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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12020Intelligente Persönliche Assistenten im häuslichen Umfeld : Erkenntnisse aus einer linguistischen Pilotstudie zur Erhebung audiovisueller InteraktionsdatenHector, Tim Moritz ; Hrncal, Christine 
22022The ‘Conditional Voice Recorder’: Data practices in the co-operative advancement and implementation of data-collection technologyHector, Tim ; Niersberger-Gueye, Franziska ; Petri, Franziska ; Hrncal, Christine 
32022The ‘Conditional Voice Recorder’: Data practices in the co-operative advancement and implementation of data-collection technologyHector, Tim ; Niersberger-Gueye, Franziska ; Petri, Franziska ; Hrncal, Christine