Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 41 bis 60 von 106
Erscheinungsdatum | Titel | AutorIn(en) |
2022 | Symmetries in quantum networks lead to no-go theorems for entanglement distribution and to verification techniques | Hansenne, Kiara ; Xu, Zhen-Peng ; Kraft, Tristan ; Gühne, Otfried |
2022 | Bayesian identification of structural coefficients in causal models and the causal false-positive risk of confounders and colliders in linear Markovian models | Kelter, Riko  |
2022 | High-speed nonlinear focus-induced photoresponse in amorphous silicon photodetectors for ultrasensitive 3D imaging applications | Bablich, Andreas ; Müller, Maurice ; Kienitz, Paul ; Bornemann, Rainer ; Ogolla, Charles Otieno ; Butz, Benjamin ; Choubey, Bhaskar ; Haring Bolívar, Peter |
2022 | Effects of the sex steroid hormone estradiol on biofilm growth of cystic fibrosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates | Al-Zawity, Jiwar ; Afzal, Faria ; Awan, Aysha ; Nordhoff, Daniela ; Kleimann, Alexander ; Wesner, Daniel ; Montier, Tristan ; Le Gall, Tony ; Müller, Mareike |
2022 | Self-guided virtual reality therapy for social anxiety disorder | Hildebrand, Anne Sophie ; Roesmann (Keuper), Kati ; Planert, Jari ; Machulska, Alla ; Otto, Esra ; Klucken, Tim |
2022 | Self-guided digital treatment with virtual reality for panic disorder and agoraphobia | Planert, Jari ; Machulska, Alla ; Hildebrand, Anne‑Sophie ; Roesmann (Keuper), Kati ; Otto, Esra ; Klucken, Tim |
2022 | Characterization of 3D-printed PLA parts with different raster orientations and printing speeds | Khosravani, Mohammad Reza ; Berto, Filippo ; Ayatollahi, Majid R. ; Reinicke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara |
2022 | Facilitating relaxation and stress reduction in healthy participants through a virtual reality intervention: study protocol for a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial | Kampa, Miriam ; Bucher, Leandra ; Klapperich, Holger ; Mertl, Fabian ; Zimmer, Christian ; Geiger, Christian ; Hassenzahl, Marc ; Finke, Johannes ; Stalder, Tobias ; Klucken, Tim |
2022 | Emotional competence, attachment, and parenting styles in children and parents | Mortazavizadeh, Zeinab ; Göllner, Lars ; Forstmeier, Simon |
2022 | Financial literacy of adults in Germany FILSA study results | Schuhen, Michael ; Kollmann, Susanne ; Seitz, Minou ; Mau, Gunnar ; Froitzheim, Manuel  |
2022 | Beats. Bauen. Lernen. | Kattenbeck, Chris |
2022 | Biosensing with a scanning planar Yagi-Uda antenna | Soltani, Navid ; Rabbany Esfahany, Elham ; Druzhinin, Sergey I. ; Schulte, Gregor ; Müller, Julian ; Butz, Benjamin ; Schönherr, Holger ; Agio, Mario ; Markešević, Nemanja |
2022 | F-number and focal length of light field systems: a comparative study of field of view, light efficiency, signal to noise ratio, and depth of field | Ihrke, Ivo |
2022 | IBSync: Intra-body synchronization and implicit contextualization of wearable devices using artificial ECG landmarks | Wolling, Florian ; Van Laerhoven, Kristof |
2022 | A WaveNet-based fully stochastic dynamic stall model | Küppers, Jan-Philipp ; Reinicke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara |
2022 | Influence of residual stresses on the crack initiation and short crack propagation in a martensitic spring steel | Wildeis, Anna ; Christ, Hans-Jürgen ; Brandt, Robert |
2022 | Hosting an online World Café to develop an understanding of digital health promoting settings from citizen's perspective | Albrecht, Joanna ; Stark, Anna Lea ; Dongas, Eleana ; Wrona, Kamil J. ; Dockweiler, Christoph |
2021 | Mate choice, sex roles and sexual cognition in vertebrates: mate choice turns cognition or cognition turns mate choice? | Fuss, Theodora |
2021 | Function computation under privacy, secrecy, distortion, and communication constraints | Günlü, Onur |
2021 | Mate choice, sex roles and sexual cognition: neuronal prerequisites supporting cognitive mate choice | Fuss, Theodora |
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 41 bis 60 von 106