F.N. van der Vlist
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F.N. van der Vlist
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van der Vlist, Fernando
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Fernando van der Vlist (MA University of Amsterdam) is a PhD candidate at Utrecht University’s Media and Culture Studies department and a research associate with the (DFG-funded) Collaborative Research Centre ‘Media of Cooperation’ (University of Siegen). He is a member of the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam), the App Studies Initiative, the Public Data Lab, and is part of Utrecht University’s focus area ‘Governing the Digital Society’. His research interests and expertise covers digital methods and internet studies, social media and platform studies, app studies, software studies, data studies, and new media and digital culture more generally. Since 2014, he has held academic (research and teaching) positions at the University of Siegen (Germany), Utrecht University, and the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
More info: https://www.fernandovandervlist.nl/