Department Physik
57068 Siegen

Results 1-20 of 42 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12024X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy experiments of protein dynamics at molecular length scales - potentials and limitationsAkhundzadeh, Mohammad Sayed 
22020Wechselwirkungskonzepte der Physik und ihre Propädeutik für die gymnasiale OberstufeLauner, Sebastian 
32020The way to a smarter community: exploring and exploiting data modeling, big data analytics, high-performance computing and artificial intelligence techniques for applications of 2D energy-dispersive detectors in the crystallography communityTosson, Amir 
42021Top Quark Physics at the LHC: top quark pair precision measurements and associated production with additional bosonsDiez Pardos, Carmen  
52023Thin Films on Copper for Superconducting RF Cavities within the Future Circular Collider StudyFonnesu, Dorothea  
62012System tests, initial operation and first data of the AMIGA muon detector for the Pierre Auger ObservatoryPontz, Michael 
72020Surface dynamics of solids upon high-intensity laser irradiation investigated by grazing incidence X-ray scatteringRandolph, Lisa 
82019The structure of measurements and states in quantum theoryKleinmann, Matthias 
92020Strömende Materie - elementarisierte Zugänge zur Physik fluiddynamischer PhänomeneMüller (geb. Bzduskova), Lenka 
102020Self-catalyzed GaAs nanowiresMostafavi Kashani, Seyed Mohammad 
112020Realization of low dose XPCS experiments for the investigation of protein dynamicsRahmann, Hendrik 
122023Randomized measurements as a tool in quantum information processingImai, Satoya 
132022Pushing the precision in B physicsKevin, Olschewsky 
142020Probing the sources of gravitational wavesRühl, Philip 
152024Preparation and characterisation of two-dimensional ferroelectricsAleksa, Paulus 
162023The potential of energetic condensation techniques for SRF applications - The first extensive SRF performance study on Nb/Cu by ECR depositionAull, Sarah 
172020Optimierung und Charakterisierung von lumineszierenden Lithium-Aluminium-Boratgläsern und -glaskeramikenRimbach, Alicia Charlotte 
182020A nanorheology study on the viscoelastic properties of photorheological liquids by x-ray photon correlation spectroscopyReiser, Mario 
192021Nanomechanics: Mechanical response analysis of semiconductor GaAs nanowires by using finite element method and x-ray diffraction techniquesAnjum, Taseer 
202021Monolayer hexagonal boron nitride: an ultra-thin insulatorCai, Jiaqi